Saturday, May 29, 2010

market research

Having lived and operated a small business in Francistown for a great part of my life, I have seen companies such as Guys & Girls, Bee Gee, Smart Centre, Historical Cine 2000 as well as many “fly-by-night” cash loans, take away restaurants, pharmacies, estate agencies and the rapidly escalating security companies, and the list goes on. Most of these businesses are springing up all over town. However, most have failed, about to collapse or are out of business and in debt. There is a simple reason behind this and that is MARKET RESEARCH. There is ample evidence that most business owners are the “Me Too” type. They are motivated by the mentality that "If he can do it and make it, I can do it also". They fail the most fundamental step of undertaking proper market research.

Botswana, marketing environment

currently the marketing environment in Botswana is dominated by South African brands such as the Tiger Brands,